- Feb 08, 2018
Mark Bellaire (cg192512) authored
This is a general readability improvement. The meaning of these paragraphs has not changed.
Mark Bellaire (cg192512) authored
This is a general readability improvement. The meaning of these paragraphs has not changed.
Mark Bellaire (cg192512) authored
This comment is quite arbitrary in the view of the general public. Not sure if anyone would know what the acronym "T.O.C." means.
Mark Bellaire (cg192512) authored
The random line breaks everywhere in this file makes it hard to read at narrow or wide window sizes whether you are using a Markdown reader or just reading the markdown itself. This puts all of the paragraphs and list items on their own line. The one reading this file can decide for themselves how narrow or wide they want the text to be displayed at. I have also fixed the indentaiton of list items. Markdown will only read a list item as "indented" when you use 4 spaces. My final change in this commit was to remove all of the new lines below headers. After reading so many markdown files, I find it much more readable when there is one new line _before_ the header and zero new lines below it.
- Feb 07, 2018
Tim van Dijen authored
docs: Update reference to `redirect.trustedsites`. Fixes #786
Matt Henderson authored
Tim van Dijen authored
doc: Switch to namespaced SimpleSAML\Module.
Tim van Dijen authored
SAML: Fix typo in logged error message
Matt Henderson authored
Matt Henderson authored
- Feb 04, 2018
Tim van Dijen authored
- Feb 02, 2018
Jaime Pérez Crespo authored
Jaime Pérez Crespo authored
Jaime Pérez Crespo authored
Merge branch 'fix_missing_authtoken_cookie_params_rememberme' of https://github.com/renklaf/simplesamlphp into renklaf-fix_missing_authtoken_cookie_params_rememberme
Daniel Falkner Hansen authored
- Feb 01, 2018
Thijs Kinkhorst authored
Fix example in the ScopeFromAttribute doc
Rimas Misevičius authored
Change the source attribute to `eduPersonPrincipalName` and add missing commas.
- Jan 31, 2018
Thijs Kinkhorst authored
docs: Fix minor typos / grammar issues
Matt Henderson authored
Jaime Pérez Crespo authored
Jaime Pérez Crespo authored
Jaime Pérez Crespo authored
- Jan 29, 2018
Tim van Dijen authored
Thijs Kinkhorst authored
Pavel Vyskočil authored
Pavel Vyskočil authored
Jaime Pérez Crespo authored
Sort attribute values for consent
- Jan 26, 2018
Jaime Pérez Crespo authored
Prevent an assert by only calling a sub-search if needed
Daniel Falkner Hansen authored
- Jan 22, 2018
Thijs Kinkhorst authored
Thijs Kinkhorst authored
rewrite getServerPort
- Jan 21, 2018
Tim van Dijen authored
All descendants overload this function anyway
Tim van Dijen authored
Tim van Dijen authored
Tim van Dijen authored
Also fixes edge-case situation where $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] is not set for an HTTPS connection, this function would return an explicit port 80 i.e. ":80" rather than an empty string.
- Jan 20, 2018
Tim van Dijen authored
Tim van Dijen authored
As per mailinglist-discussion, consent-stats were never processed by the statistics-module due to inconsistent logging: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/simplesamlphp/Gc97OeUox2k
Thijs Kinkhorst authored
Thijs Kinkhorst authored
Merge branch 'feature/pdo-options-support' of https://github.com/ElijahLynn/simplesamlphp into ElijahLynn-feature/pdo-options-support
Thijs Kinkhorst authored