- Nov 20, 2017
Olimpia Magliulo authored
- Add dependencies - Change link in script postload, base.twig - Add function in Script.js - Delete postload block in metadata-converter.twig and call clipboard function on button click.
- Nov 14, 2017
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Adds rtl features for form elements used in loginuserpass.
Olimpia Magliulo authored
- Nov 10, 2017
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Olimpia Magliulo authored
As for loginuserpass, fixes a bug that didn't allow to change language after a login error was shown.
Olimpia Magliulo authored
The error is shown also if just one of the fields (user or password) is empty.
- Nov 09, 2017
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Olimpia Magliulo authored
add document.ready function to script.js where all the calls to selectize are made. update base.twig. Now script.js is the last script in the list.
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Fixed footer at the bottom in fixed position. (+1 squashed commit) Squashed commits: [27ac007] footer
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Changes default css to adapt the login form. Need fix: when the user can choose an organization, the layout breaks when opening the dropdown menu.
- Nov 07, 2017
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Each element is defined with an id. it has its own wrap and a "row".
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Fix: Missing AuthState parameter when trying to retrieve the authentication state.
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Query parameters are passed to the template in order to change language also after an error is shown.
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Languagebar is changed to a dropdownmenu. Use selectize package to show the current language as the first option in the menu.
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Build from status.php uses twig to show the authentication status.
Olimpia Magliulo authored
the template can be used in different templates. It highlights rows differently if they're odd or even. It has 2 flexible blocks that can be used to override a column or add other content. Classes can be used to readapt it for a specific css framework.
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Change the links in the head and postload of base.twig according to the new structure and the recently added packages.
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Based on authenticate.php, login.php adds lines 6-26. The script returns the possible authentication methods for the user, excluded admin. When only one method is available the user is redirected to the one authentication-method login page. Calls to right templates are updated at lines 17 and 54. When no method is found, the user needs to login with admin credentials and check configuration. The text shown in template is not translated.
Olimpia Magliulo authored
Based on appearence configuration the user is redirected to login.php when usenewui is set to true, or to frontpage_welcome.php for the default design.
Olimpia Magliulo authored
ignore files generated with yarn (node.js).
Jaime Pérez Crespo authored
Fix duplicate assertion error using Redis Store
- Oct 27, 2017
Thijs Kinkhorst authored
- Oct 25, 2017
Jaime Pérez Crespo authored
Added tests for SimpleSAML\XML\Validator
Matt Schwager authored
Jaime Pérez Crespo authored
Added php-cs-fixer config
Jaime Pérez Crespo authored
Jaime Perez authored