SimpleSAMLphp Documentation
- Installation and upgrading
- Installing SimpleSAMLphp
- Upgrade notes
- Installation from the repository
- Changelog
- Using SimpleSAMLphp as a SAML Service Provider
- Service Provider Quickstart
- Hosted SP Configuration Reference
- IdP remote reference
- Configuring HTTP-Artifact
- Using scoping
- Holder-of-Key profile
- Using SimpleSAMLphp as a SAML Identity Provider
- Identity Provider QuickStart
- IdP hosted reference
- SP remote reference
- Use case: Setting up an IdP for Google Workspace (G Suite / Google Apps)
- Configuring HTTP-Artifact
- Identity Provider Advanced Topics
- Holder-of-Key profile
- Automated Metadata Management
- Maintenance and configuration - covers session handling, php configuration etc.
- Authentication Processing Filters - attribute filtering, attribute mapping, consent, group generation etc.
- Advanced features - covers bridging protocols, attribute filtering, etc.
- State Information Lost - more about this common error message
- SimpleSAMLphp Dictionaries and Translation
- Theming SimpleSAMLphp
- SimpleSAMLphp Modules - how to create own customized modules
- Key rollover
- Creating authentication sources
- Implementing custom username/password authentication
- Storing sessions in Riak
Documentation on specific SimpleSAMLphp modules:
- Consent module
- Installing and configuring the consentAdmin module
- Authorization
- autotest Module
- Statistics
Documentation for SimpleSAMLphp developers: