1. Load you OpenStack application credentials to environment variables `source ~/conf/prod-egi-freznicek-vo.enes.org-all-roles-openrc.sh.inc`
1. Override any infrastructure variables in [main.tf](main.tf) file if needed. Full set of variables can be found in [modules/2tiers_public_bastion_private_vm_farm/variables.tf](modules/2tiers_public_bastion_private_vm_farm/variables.tf) or [modules/1tier-public-vm-farm/variables.tf](modules/1tier-public-vm-farm/variables.tf).
1. In the [terraform root directory](./) run following commands to initiate and validate environment
1. In the [terraform root directory](/clouds/g1/brno/vo.enes.org/terraform) run following commands to initiate and validate environment
*`terraform init`
*`terraform validate`
1. In the [same directory](./) run commands to deploy cloud infrastructure
1. In the [same directory](/clouds/g1/brno/vo.enes.org/terraform) run commands to deploy cloud infrastructure
*`terraform plan --out plan`
*`terraform apply plan`
1. Once you need to change the infrastructure, first modify the infrastructure declaration and repeat above steps to deploy changes.