1. Load you OpenStack application credentials to environment variables `source ~/conf/prod-egi-freznicek-vo.enes.org-all-roles-openrc.sh.inc`
1. Load you OpenStack application credentials to environment variables `source ~/conf/prod-egi-freznicek-vo.enes.org-all-roles-openrc.sh.inc`
1. Override any infrastructure variables in [main.tf](main.tf) file if needed. Full set of variables can be found in [modules/2tiers_public_bastion_private_vm_farm/variables.tf](modules/2tiers_public_bastion_private_vm_farm/variables.tf) or [modules/1tier-public-vm-farm/variables.tf](modules/1tier-public-vm-farm/variables.tf).
1. Override any infrastructure variables in [main.tf](main.tf) file if needed. Full set of variables can be found in [modules/2tiers_public_bastion_private_vm_farm/variables.tf](modules/2tiers_public_bastion_private_vm_farm/variables.tf) or [modules/1tier-public-vm-farm/variables.tf](modules/1tier-public-vm-farm/variables.tf).
1. In the [terraform root directory](./) run following commands to initiate and validate environment
1. In the [terraform root directory](/clouds/g1/brno/vo.enes.org/terraform) run following commands to initiate and validate environment
*`terraform init`
*`terraform init`
*`terraform validate`
*`terraform validate`
1. In the [same directory](./) run commands to deploy cloud infrastructure
1. In the [same directory](/clouds/g1/brno/vo.enes.org/terraform) run commands to deploy cloud infrastructure
*`terraform plan --out plan`
*`terraform plan --out plan`
*`terraform apply plan`
*`terraform apply plan`
1. Once you need to change the infrastructure, first modify the infrastructure declaration and repeat above steps to deploy changes.
1. Once you need to change the infrastructure, first modify the infrastructure declaration and repeat above steps to deploy changes.