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Commit 4669d524 authored by David Štencel's avatar David Štencel
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Merge branch 'revert-b77c7c35' into 'master'

Revert "BLRecoveryKey_Backup"

See merge request !5
parents 491c5a6d 2ba93fb6
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1 merge request!5Revert "BLRecoveryKey_Backup"
Backup Bitlocker recovery Keys from Entra to Local SQL database.
Script will update attribute LastContactWithEntra on DB records and download bitlocker recovery keys, which are not in DB.
SQLServer module is required and backup of recovery Keys is possible only if script is executed with user interactive Graph sign in.
#Requires -Version 7.0
Param ()
try {
#Start time of Script
$startDate = Get-Date
#Function for sending queries to DB
function Send-SqlQuery($sqlQuery) {
$result = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $dbConfig.ServerName -Database $dbConfig.DatabaseName -Query $sqlQuery -Username $dbCredential.UserName -Password $dbPassword -EncryptConnection
return $result
#Object for error log
$processedObject = $null
#DB Information
$dbConfigPath = "$PSScriptRoot\config_Backup-EntraIDBitlockerKeys.json"
$dbConfig = Get-Content -Raw -Path $dbConfigPath | ConvertFrom-Json
#Credentials for Database connection
$dbCredential = $host.ui.PromptForCredential("Database Credentials", "Please enter password for database account.", "", "")
$dbPassword = $($dbCredential.GetNetworkCredential().password)
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
Import-Module -Name SqlServer
#Connection to MS Graph
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Device.Read.All", "BitLockerKey.ReadBasic.All", "BitLockerKey.Read.All" -NoWelcome
#Load all Database Records
Write-Host "Downloading Recovery Keys from DB ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$queryLoadAllBLRKRecords = "SELECT * FROM $($dbConfig.TableName)"
$blKeysDB = Send-SqlQuery($queryLoadAllBLRKRecords) | Group-Object -Property BitLockerId -AsHashTable
Write-Host "Downloaded $($blKeysDB.Keys.Count) Recovery Keys from DB." -ForegroundColor Green
#Download all device records from Entra
Write-Host "Downloading All Entra ID Devices ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$entraDeviceProperties = @("ApproximateLastSignInDateTime", "Id", "DeviceId", "DisplayName")
$allEntraDevices = Get-MgDevice -All -Property $entraDeviceProperties | Select-Object $entraDeviceProperties | Group-Object -Property DeviceId -AsHashTable
Write-Host "Downloaded $($allEntraDevices.Keys.Count) Devices from Entra ID." -ForegroundColor Green
#[PART 1] - Update Attribute LastContactWithEntra for records in DB with records from Entra
$updatedDBrecordsCount = 0
$index = 0
$numberOfBLKeysInDB = $blKeysDB.Keys.Count
foreach ($encryptionID in $blKeysDB.GetEnumerator()) {
#Progress bar
$progress = $index * 100 / $numberOfBLKeysInDB
$progress = [Math]::Ceiling($progress)
Write-Progress -Activity "Updating attribute Last Contact With Entra for DB Records" -Status "$progress% Complete:" -PercentComplete $progress
$processedObject = $encryptionID.Value.Id
$dbRecord = $encryptionID.Value
$entraRecord = $allEntraDevices["$($dbRecord.DeviceId)"]
if ($($entraRecord -ne $null) -and $([datetime]$dbRecord.LastContactWithEntra -lt [datetime]$entraRecord.ApproximateLastSignInDateTime)) {
$updatedDBrecordsCount ++
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($dbRecord.DeviceId)", "DB Record Update - LastContactWithEntra")) {
$updateDateQuery = "UPDATE $($dbConfig.TableName) SET LastContactWithEntra='$($entraRecord.ApproximateLastSignInDateTime)' WHERE DeviceId='$($encryptionID.Value.DeviceId)'"
$null = Send-SqlQuery($updateDateQuery)
Write-Progress -Completed -Activity "Updating attribute Last Contact With Entra for DB Records"
Write-Host "Updated Last Contact With Entra ID for $updatedDBrecordsCount records in DB." -ForegroundColor Green
#[PART 2] - Backup missing recovery Keys to SQL DB
#Load All Bitlocker IDs from Entra
Write-Host "Downloading all encrypted devices from Entra ID ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$encryptedEntraDeviceProperties = @("DeviceId", "Id")
$allEntraBitLockerIDs = Get-MgInformationProtectionBitlockerRecoveryKey -All -Property $encryptedEntraDeviceProperties | Select-Object $encryptedEntraDeviceProperties
Write-Host "Downloaded all encrypted from Entra ID." -ForegroundColor Green
#Filter only keys which are not present in DB
Write-Host "Adding all missing BitLocker Recovery Keys from Entra to DB..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$numberOfkeysToBeAddedtoDB = 0
$numberOfAllNewBLRK = $($allEntraBitLockerIDs | Where-Object { -not $($blKeysDB.ContainsKey($_.Id)) }).Count
$allEntraBitLockerIDs | Where-Object { -not $($blKeysDB.ContainsKey($_.Id)) } | ForEach-Object {
$numberOfkeysToBeAddedtoDB ++
$processedObject = $_.Id
#Progress bar
$progress = $numberOfkeysToBeAddedtoDB * 100 / $numberOfAllNewBLRK
$progress = [Math]::Ceiling($progress)
Write-Progress -Activity "Downloading new BitLocker Recovery Keys from Entra to DB" -Status "$progress% Complete:" -PercentComplete $progress
#Add created object to DB
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($_.Id)", "Add BL Recovery Key to DB")) {
#Create object which will be added to DB
$entraDeviceRecord = $allEntraDevices[$_.DeviceId]
$recordOutput = [PSCustomObject]@{
DeviceName = $entraDeviceRecord.DisplayName
DeviceId = $entraDeviceRecord.DeviceId
BitLockerId = $_.Id
BitLockerRecoveryKey = Get-MgInformationProtectionBitlockerRecoveryKey -BitlockerRecoveryKeyId $($_.Id) -Property "Key" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Key'
LastContactWithEntra = $entraDeviceRecord.ApproximateLastSignInDateTime
$addKeyRecordQuery = "INSERT INTO $($dbConfig.TableName)
(DeviceName, DeviceId, BitLockerId, BitLockerRecoveryKey, LastContactWithEntra) VALUES
('$($recordOutput.DeviceName)', '$($recordOutput.DeviceId)', '$($recordOutput.BitLockerId)', '$($recordOutput.BitLockerRecoveryKey)', '$($recordOutput.LastContactWithEntra)')"
$null = Send-SqlQuery($addKeyRecordQuery)
Write-Progress -Completed -Activity "Downloading new BitLocker Recovery Keys from Entra to DB"
Write-Host "Added $numberOfkeysToBeAddedtoDB BitLocker Recovery Keys from Entra to DB." -ForegroundColor Green
$endDate = Get-Date
$totalTime = $endDate - $startDate
Write-Host "Process Took $totalTime." -ForegroundColor Magenta
} catch {
$err = "[EntraDevices]:$processedObject [type]:$($_.Exception.gettype().fullname);[message]:$($_.Exception.Message);[invocationInfo]:$(($_.InvocationInfo | Select-Object ScriptName, ScriptLineNumber, PSScriptRoot, PSCommandPath, InvocationName) -join ',')"
Write-Host $err -ForegroundColor Red
\ No newline at end of file
"ServerName": "",
"DatabaseName": "",
"TableName": ""
\ No newline at end of file
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